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AP English 11 Language & Composition

Monday, March 3, 2008

Unit 3 Final Essay

Over the next two classes, students will be receiving and beginning work on their final assessment for Unit 3. This "test" will take the form of the Unit 3 Final Essay. While there will be time provided in class to work on the essay, as well as, time allowing the chance for students to seek support from the teacher, much of the work over the next few evenings will need to be completed at home. The due date will vary slightly depending on which class your student is in.

The Unit 3 Final Essay follows the CEI format and is intended to give your student the opportunity to use all of the material and concepts covered over the last five weeks to respond to the Essential Questions posed at the unit's beginning. (Please remember that although the CEI (Claim, Evidence and Interpretation) graphic organizer employs three "parts," a good essay may need to be more than three paragraphs to most clearly communicate its message.)

During this in class working time, classes will also be taking the opportunity to view the film Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001) which should provide further contextual background to the historical setting of our multi-genre readings during the unit.

Read Up and Write On!