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AP English 11 Language & Composition

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Poetic Format 2: Synonym Poems

The second poetic format student's will be working with in their Writing Journals is a "Synonym Poem"--which is just one would think: a poem in which the synonyms for words are employed to give greater meaning. Here's the "formula":

Line 1: WORD (A)
Line 2: Four or five synonyms for the WORD (B)
Line 3: A descriptive phrase which illustrates the word from line 1 (B)

NOTE: The last word in lines two and three should rhyme (rhyme scheme ABB)

Draft three poems by selecting words from the following subjects: 1 about a quality you possess, 1 about a quality you admire in someone else, 1 about a quality you dislike in yourself or others.

Read Up and Write On!