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Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Unit 3 Final Essay... ALL IN!

By the end of today's school day, all ELA classes (Red, Yellow, Blue and Green) will have been assigned the Unit 3 Final Essay. During class we have reveiwed the CEI graphic organizer, discussed some possible pieces of supporting evidence from the source documents, and also considered, as a class, how one might begin moving forward with beginning the essay.

I also articulated to the students that I fully recognize that this is not an easy assignment, and that it is intended to represent a challenge to their abilities. Despite this, I fully believe that WE ALL ARE CAPABLE OF DOING GREAT THINGS SHOULD WE CHOOSE TO PUT FORTH THE EFFORT AND EFFORT.

As previously posted, the Unit 3 Final Essay follows the CEI format and is intended to give your student the opportunity to use all of the material and concepts covered over the last five weeks to respond to the Essential Questions posed at the unit's beginning. (Please remember that although the CEI (Claim, Evidence and Interpretation) graphic organizer employs three "parts," a good essay may need to be more than three paragraphs to most clearly communicate its message.)

Due Dates:

Red: Wedensday, March 5
Green: Thursday, March 6
Yellow: Thursday, March 6
Blue: Thursday, March 6
Read Up and Write On!