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Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Poetic Form 5: Dueling Haikus

Ah... the timeless classic! Despite our familiarity with them, having written hiaku since second grade, this form remains a challenging one for students to get "just right."

In Japan, haiku are valued for their lightness, simplicity, openness, and depth. These are some basic rules of Haiku:

1. use no more than 17 syllables,
arranged in lines of 5-7-5 syllables

2. link the words to the natural word, while a attempting to retain Japanese values of lightness, simplicity, openness, and depth

3. focus on a memorable detail of the Haiku's topic
Easy, right? Not really! Adding a twsit on the common haiku, students need to compose not just a single poem, or two unrelated poems, but rather two haikus realted by their contratry nature.

Here are some general instructions:
1. Select two topics that are seen as opposites .

2. Brainstorm five favorite details about each topic.

3. Choose your best detail about one topic, then create a seventeen-syllable "snapshot" of that topic, capturing the detail in a seventeen syllable poem.

4. Repeat the process for the second topic.

5. Place the poems side-by-side in your writer's notebook.
Read Up and Write On!


Anonymous said...

"Ah... the timeless classic! Despite our familiairty with them, having wirtten hiakus since sencd grade, this form remains a challenging one for studenst to get.."

Wow Mr. Scott, four errors in one paragraph, and you call yourself an ELA teacher. :-o

Mister Scott said...

i don't know if i should get my resume ready because i'm a bad teacher or have pride in the fact that i've taught you to identify bad typing! ;)

thanks for hipping me to this bad scene!

Anonymous said...

What is that supposed to be a picture of, Scotty??

-Jonathan Girdle

Anonymous said...

whose jonathin girdle????

Anonymous said...

I happen to be one of the most amazing hotdogs that's ever walked the planet.
And ALLS i was saying was was what mr.scotts icon is a pic of.
I dont even go to your school.
i live in an oven.

Ps- That website is my picture.