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If you are a student, or parent of a student, in any of Mr. Scott's 2009-2010 Grade 11 classes, including Advanced Placement Language & Composition, you are in the WRONG place!

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Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Student Portfolio Scrapbook

Following the tremendous success of our recent Poetry Chapbook project, students have begun working on their culminating activity for the year, a reflective Portfolio Scrapbook. Like Indiana Jones, students will be searching through their own histories to re-discover artifacts demonstrating their strengths and weaknesses.

Preliminary work was begun in classes today, with students being given the criteria and a graphic organizer on which to layout the ten artifacts which will demonstrate their strengths and weakness. At our next classes, we will begin drafting what will become the reflective paragraphs which combined with the artifact (work sample) become a Scrapbook Entry (an example of which can be seen here.

The due dates for the final prodcuts are once again dependent upon which "color" class you're in:

Red and Green: Wednesday, June 11

Blue and Yellow: Thursday, June 12
I am looking very forward to having the opportunities to review your final Scrapbook portfolios and having you share it with others!

Read Up and Write On!


Anonymous said...

My folder has like, 1 thing in it.

Mister Scott said...

hmmm... I guess I would be concerned that you haven't been producing any work over the course of the year, making it difficult to reflect on your efforts for an entire year. It is entirely spossible howvere, that you have been working hard and that there are graded papers in your locker or on the regfrigerator at home. I would suggest collecting those bringing them in and we'll see what we can do ;)