Whether students will be travelling to Washington, DC, over the next three days, or staying with moi at school in Greece, NY, the assignment remains the same: working towards completing the Portfolio Scrapbook Project. The emphasis leading up to the class trip has been to insure that ALL students understand the expectation so that, whether here (Greece) or there (DC), they can work towards completing the project independently.
The steps from here on out are pretty straight-forward:
1. Identify 10 artifacts.The due dates for the final products are once again dependent upon which "color" class you're in:
2. Draft one reflective “paragraph” for each artifact--one representative of each of the ten required examples.
3. Develop scrapbook page by combining both the artifact and the reflective paragraph.
4. Organize all 10 entries into a single “book.”
5. Develop a cover and “make the project your own.”
Red and Green: Wednesday, June 11I am looking very forward to having the opportunities to review your final Scrapbook portfolios and having you share it with others!
Blue and Yellow: Thursday, June 12
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