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If you are a student, or parent of a student, in any of Mr. Scott's 2009-2010 Grade 11 classes, including Advanced Placement Language & Composition, you are in the WRONG place!

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Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Scrapbook Porfolio, Phase 2

At this point in the process, students should have completed the following tasks in working toward their final Portfolio Scrapbook:

1. Identified the 10 necessary artifacts representative of required work samples, and

2. Drafted a reflective paragraph for each.
The next step will be to write an introductory reflective essay in which they respond to two Essential Questions:
What have a learned this year?
How have I shown what I know?
Similar to the culminating activity at the end of last year, students will need to identify a singular quote (which we'll call a "5 Star Quote"), from either one of the readings we have read in class together this year, a famous quote, or lyric from a song that they feel captures the spirit of what they have done this year in ELA class.

The due dates for the project depend on which "color" class you're in:
Red and Green: Wednesday, June 11
Blue and Yellow: Thursday, June 12
Read Up and Write On!