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If you are a student, or parent of a student, in any of Mr. Scott's 2009-2010 Grade 11 classes, including Advanced Placement Language & Composition, you are in the WRONG place!

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Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Friday, April 25, 2008

Student Chapbook Project!

During the month of April, which also happens to be “National Poetry Month”, you have been drafting poetry in a variety of poetic forms ranging from the traditional (haiku and cinquain) to the unusual (Nash-ing and Backwards) in your Writer’s Journal. Your final task in this series of poetry lessons is to make what is called a chapbook. A chapbook is a collection of (primarily) your poetry made into an artistic, self-published booklet.

Your final grade for this project will reflect both the Content and Quality of your work. For more details on the expectations, click here.

The due dates are dependent on which "color" class you're in:

Red and Green: Wednesday, May 7

Blue and Yellow: Thursday, May 8
I am looking very forward to having the opportunities to review your final products and having you share it with others!

Read Up and Write On!