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AP English 11 Language & Composition

Monday, April 28, 2008

Unit 4 Persuasive Essay Prompt

In the short story "The Un-Numbing of Cory Willhouse," Cory was a young man who made some mistakes, but in the end, tried to make amends for what he had done. In schools and communities today, there are young people who make poor choices which negatively impact not only themselves, but others in the community.

For this essay you will be considering one of a choice of issues, sharing an opinion, and attempting to persuade your readers (your teacher) that your opinion is valid.

Choose one of the following prompts and write an essay of no less than 200 words in which you state an opinion, persuade others to agree with your opinion based upon your own experiences, beliefs, and/or observations.

Select one of the following statements to respond to:

a) There are/are not good role models in my community for middle school students to admire and emulate.

b) The choices my middle school peers make do/do not help create a safe school for all students.

c) As a middle school student, the good/bad choices I make have an influence on the education of those around me.
Be sure to your spelling, punctuation, mechanics and word choice when reviewing your draft prior to turning it in for a grade!

Read Up and Write On!