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Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Monday, June 23, 2008

Au Revoir!

"We can't rewind, we've gone to far..."~The Buggles (from Emily B's essay)
Ah, that crazy Eighties synth-pop band, The Buggles, are correct (as well as being pictured to the right); there is definitely no going backwards now, only forward into the future...

With two more days of classes left, our work is nearly complete, with only those students who either failed to turn in a Scrapbook Portfolio, thereby earning a zero (0), or submitted a Portfolio Scrapbook which earned a 75 (out of 100) or less, needing to take a Language Arts final on Tuesday morning.

Within the next few days, hopefully I will be able to share with you some recommended reading for your student's over the summer that will further prepare them for the rigors of high school course work. At the very least, students should continue the practice of reading daily to stay sharp!

Read Up and Write On!