"I never think of myself as an icon. What is in others' peoples' minds isn't in my mind. I just do my thing."~Audrey Hepburn (from Nicole B's essay)What a wonderful collection of student work I've have the opportunity to read! After reviewing and grading student Portfolio Scrapbooks, I have decided not to administer a final ELA assessment to ALL eighth graders on House 1. (The district does not have an "official" assessment which we are directed to give at the end of eighth grade.) Some students, however, will be taking a test on the last day of school, June 24.
The following students need to come prepared to take an assessment based on two criteria; either they
1. failed to turn in a Scrapbook Portfolio, thereby earning a zero (0), orRead Up and Write On!
2. submitted a Portfolio Scrapbook which earned a 75 (out of 100) or less.
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