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AP English 11 Language & Composition

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Great Stuff Keeps on Coming!

"If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."~Mary Englebert (from Nick M's essay)
Student Portfolio Scrapbooks have been collected and are now being graded. Based on what I've had the opportunity to review so far, our students have once again risen to the challenge placed before them and turned in some very beautiful work. Most rewarding for myself, as a teacher who has worked with them for two years(!), is the growth which is apparent in their work.

One of my favorite elements of this year's culminating activity is the five star quote student's were asked to select for use in focusing their reflective essays. As we continue down the path to Summer, I will share some of the student choices here, so that you can have a sense of how they perceived their own progress during this school year.

Read Up and Write On!


Anonymous said...

So Mr Scott, which Scrapbooks would you say are perhaps...the best?

Anonymous said...

while each scrapbook had something to distinguish itself, I would probably say that the absolute best was the one submitted via FedEx by Ms. Hannah Montana... simply becuase she mentioned my name oodles of times ;)

Senor Scott, out!