Read First!

If you are a student, or parent of a student, in any of Mr. Scott's 2009-2010 Grade 11 classes, including Advanced Placement Language & Composition, you are in the WRONG place!

Please continue to the appropriate blog by clicking on the correct link below:

Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hola , Amigos!

If you're in eleventh or tenth grade and looking for your classes blog, this ain't it!

You are at my student's blog from eighth grade. Feel free to check it out, but go to either the 11th grade or 10th grade blog, depending on whichever class you're in... kewl!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Au Revoir!

"We can't rewind, we've gone to far..."~The Buggles (from Emily B's essay)
Ah, that crazy Eighties synth-pop band, The Buggles, are correct (as well as being pictured to the right); there is definitely no going backwards now, only forward into the future...

With two more days of classes left, our work is nearly complete, with only those students who either failed to turn in a Scrapbook Portfolio, thereby earning a zero (0), or submitted a Portfolio Scrapbook which earned a 75 (out of 100) or less, needing to take a Language Arts final on Tuesday morning.

Within the next few days, hopefully I will be able to share with you some recommended reading for your student's over the summer that will further prepare them for the rigors of high school course work. At the very least, students should continue the practice of reading daily to stay sharp!

Read Up and Write On!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Testing, Testing...

"I never think of myself as an icon. What is in others' peoples' minds isn't in my mind. I just do my thing."~Audrey Hepburn (from Nicole B's essay)
What a wonderful collection of student work I've have the opportunity to read! After reviewing and grading student Portfolio Scrapbooks, I have decided not to administer a final ELA assessment to ALL eighth graders on House 1. (The district does not have an "official" assessment which we are directed to give at the end of eighth grade.) Some students, however, will be taking a test on the last day of school, June 24.

The following students need to come prepared to take an assessment based on two criteria; either they
1. failed to turn in a Scrapbook Portfolio, thereby earning a zero (0), or

2. submitted a Portfolio Scrapbook which earned a 75 (out of 100) or less.
Read Up and Write On!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Great Stuff Keeps on Coming!

"If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."~Mary Englebert (from Nick M's essay)
Student Portfolio Scrapbooks have been collected and are now being graded. Based on what I've had the opportunity to review so far, our students have once again risen to the challenge placed before them and turned in some very beautiful work. Most rewarding for myself, as a teacher who has worked with them for two years(!), is the growth which is apparent in their work.

One of my favorite elements of this year's culminating activity is the five star quote student's were asked to select for use in focusing their reflective essays. As we continue down the path to Summer, I will share some of the student choices here, so that you can have a sense of how they perceived their own progress during this school year.

Read Up and Write On!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Homework for June 9

Red Class

1. Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay, due this week.

2. Bring Sort Cards to next class, in anticipation of next week's final test.
Yellow Class
1. Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay, due this week.

2. Ten extra credit points will be awarded for bringing a complete Scrapbook Portfolio tomorrow (Tuesday) for Peer Review!

3. Bring Sort Cards to next class, in anticipation of next week's final test.
Blue Class
1. Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay, due this week.

2. Ten extra credit points will be awarded for bringing a complete Scrapbook Portfolio tomorrow (Tuesday) for Peer Review!

3. Bring Sort Cards to next class, in anticipation of next week's final test.
Read Up and Write On!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Homework for June 6


1.Prepare for a final progress check next class--students should be well near completion of their Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay.

2. Ten extra credit points will be awarded for bringing a complete Scrapbook Portfolio to your next class for Peer Review.
1. Prepare for a final progress check next class--students should be well near completion of their Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay.

2. Ten extra credit points will be awarded for bringing a complete Scrapbook Portfolio to your next class for Peer Review.
1. Prepare for a final progress check next class--students should be well near completion of their Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay.

2. Ten extra credit points will be awarded for bringing a complete Scrapbook Portfolio to your next class for Peer Review.
Read Up and Write On!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Homework for June 5

Green Class

1. Prepare for a final progress check next class--students should be well near completion of their Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay.
Red Class
1. Prepare for a final progress check next class--students should be well near completion of their Scrapbook/Portfolio, including the reflective essay.
Read Up and Write On!